Emily Elephant


Name: Emily Elephant
Species: Elephant
Age: 4
Voice: Julia Moss
Gender: Female


Father: Daddy Elephant
Mother: Mummy Elephant
Brother: Edmond Elephant

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Who is Emily Elephant? 

Emily Elephant is a friend of Peppa’s. She is new at playgroup and is a bit shy. The kids at playgroup are excited to show Emily where to hang her coat.  They all show her how to use the building blocks. Emily is very good at playing with building blocks.

Emily is much louder than all the kids at playgroup because she has a trunk. The sound Emily Elephant makes is like a trumpet call: Eeooooorrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Emily Elephant's family 

Emily lives at home with Mrs Elephant, Mr Elephant (also known as Dr Elephant the Dentist) and her little brother Edmond Elephant who is 2 years old. 

Emily Elepnant's hobbies 

Emily loves to help at home. She and her friends are helpers at Edmond Elephants’ birthday party. They supervise the games for the little ones. Everyone has fun even though Emily and her friends can be a little bit bossy.

Emily Elephant and Peppa Pig enjoy the same favourite game … jumping up and down in muddy puddles!

Emily Elephant facts

  • Emily loves to play with building blocks
  • Emily loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles
  • Emily Elephant loves parties
  • Emily Elephant loves helping her friends and her family out

Most asked questions about Emily Elephant

How old is Emily Elephant?

Like Peppa, Emily Elephant is 4 years old. Her birthday is thought to be on the 20th November.

How tall is Emily Elephant?

Emily is the same size as Peppa which makes her approximately 3’9” (3 feet and 9 inches) or just over a metre tall.

What is Emily Elephant’s brother called?

Emily’s little brother is called Edmond Elephant. He is good friends with Peppa’s little brother George. Edmond is a clever clogs.

Who is Emily Elephant’s best friend?

Emily has lots of good friends at playgroup, but her best friend is Candy Cat.

What jobs do Emily Elephant’s parents do?

Emily’s father Daddy Elephant is a dentist and Emily’s mother Mummy Elephant works as a builder for Mr Bull.

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