Most asked questions about Kylie Kangaroo
How old is Kylie Kangaroo?
Kylie Kangaroo is four years old, the same age as Peppa.
Where does Kylie Kangaroo live?
Kylie lives in Australia which is a long way away. When Peppa visits Kylie and her family for Christmas, they go to the beach and build sandmen instead of snowmen. It is very hot in Australia at Christmas. Kylie tells Peppa she has never seen real snow before…so Father Christmas brings her a snow globe!
Who is Kylie Kangaroo’s brother?
Kylie has a little brother called Joey who is about the same age as George. He travels about in his mummy’s pouch.
What do Kylie Kangaroo’s parents do?
Daddy Kangaroo likes cooking corn on the cob on his barbeque and flying the family aeroplane. Mummy Kangaroo drives a submarine and helps protect Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.